Wired: Evaluating Settlement Online (WESO)

Supporting the optimization and improvement of delivering of hybrid settlement services across Canada.  

Wired: Evaluating Settlement Online (WESO) is a YMCA National Capital Region project funded by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Our mission is to champion digital inclusion for newcomers, gain insights into clients' preferences for hybrid services, assist SPOs in evaluating these services, and promote cost-effective, data-driven decision-making.

To enhance settlement services and align with client needs, our project customizes client feedback surveys and data analysis tools for SPOs, empowering them to adapt offerings based on feedback. Our commitment lies in creating an inclusive and responsive environment that empowers newcomers throughout their settlement journey.

With the WESO toolkit, settlement organizations can evaluate their hybrid settlement services and make important changes that will enhance hybrid service delivery and better support newcomers who access hybrid settlement services. There is no cost to Service Provider Organizations (SPOs) to participate.

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Eligibility Requirements

To participate in the Training for Quality Assessment Toolkit for Hybrid Settlement Services in Canada, your organization must meet the following criteria:

  • Categorized as an SPO as per IRCC (see source here).
  • Operated and located within Canada.
  • Provide at least one category of service, including Needs Assessments and Referrals, Information and Orientation, Language Assessments, Language Training, Employment-Related Services, and Community Connections.
  • Currently providing or considering the implementation of hybrid services.

If this sounds like you, WESO can assist you in the evaluation of your Hybrid Settlement Services to enhance your service delivery for supporting newcomers.

Ready to get started? Your first step is to book an online training session with us:

Book a Training Session

Learn More About WESO:

Enhancing Hybrid Service Delivery for Settlement Organizations

View our video to learn more about the WESO research methodology, resources available to service providers, and how to prepare for and use the WESO toolkit. 

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Ready to get started?
Book an online training session with us:

Book a Training Session

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us directly: 
 613-788-5001  |   weso@ymcaottawa.ca

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